DirtTimothy's EnslavementA BoyToys Inc. Story |
SummaryIt has been over 20 years since BoyToys, Inc. had taken the bold steps into using gene-splice technology in their ongoing efforts to provide special 'boytoys' maintained at prepubescent or early pubescent physical ages to satisfy the sexual appetites of a select market of those rich enough to afford their product.But now a new kind of market is being tested. There are those rich enough who can purchase their own special boytoy slave, specifically 'retooled' biologically and mentally to fulfill life long roles as someone's special 'slave boy,' and specifically 'tailored' both physically and mentally for that one person. Timothy becomes one of the first in this new line of gene manipulated boytoy slave. He is selected because he already has a predisposition for being totally submissive and an inclination to serve a master who will care for him.
Publ. Aug 2008
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CharactersTimothy (fixed as a 14 yo) and his master Mr. BlackCategory & Story codesBoy-Slave story/futureMt – Mdom nc/cons anal oral – bondage body-modification interr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Chapter 1I was crying unabashedly as my trembling hand failed to activate the emergency beacon and transponder on my master's air car. I only found out later that in order to activate it, one must have the proper chip implant in one's wrist. And my master's wrist was a quarter mile [400 m] away.We had been having a wonderful hike through the climax Redwood forest with the nearest person probably 10 or 20 miles [15-30 km] away. My master was enjoying his freedom as much as I was mine. He from his usual work routine, me from my frequently attached bondage devices. I REALLY enjoyed my periods of moderate to severe bondage, but this time of bodily freedom had it's momentary allure and pleasure. Even my penis was entirely free from it's frequently attached chastity devices. It felt so naked. But right now I was so distraught I could barely function rationally. All thoughts of sensual or sexual pleasure farthest from my mind. Only the image of my master groaning under the limbs of that massive fallen tree limb kept me focused. His wrist-com was unfortunately so pinned by the branch and an underlying rock that I was unable to reach it though I had several broken nails for my failed effort. And my master seemed to have a concussion. Though not unconscious, he was not functioning too well either. And as much as I had tried to coax him, I could get no response from him that included a command or even instruction. I was so unfamiliar with acting without instructions or commands that I had to REALLY concentrate to be able to give myself my own commands. It felt so entirely alien to my position as slave, that it brought on a feeling of total unease. But I HAD to do this. I was my master's only hope of rescue. My only recourse was to pilot the small air car to the nearest police facility. I was so thankful of the technology which allowed the car to almost fly itself. Even it's navigation could be left to the computer. I entered the car with trembling legs. I'd not been on my own like this since my master had brought me home from BoyToys, Inc., more than 10 years before. This is the first time in years I was required to do something with the responsibility of another life in my own hands. I certainly did not relish this task. Being a slave had been SO freeing. It was so wonderful to be without serious worry and also know that your every need would automatically be taken care of. I so LOVED my life as a slave that even contemplating another existence would barely occur to me. And when it did, I was immediately grateful for my master choosing ME as his personal and lifelong slave. I fully realized just how fortunate my life was. And consequently I always did my best to make sure my master enjoyed his life as well. But now I HAD to function as a 'free' person. And although I was quaking at the prospect, I HAD to succeed. My master needed me. I would literally give my life for him if I had to. In fact, that's how my master got himself pinned under that tree limb to begin with. I heard a strange noise and then the thunderous snap behind me. As I turned I saw this good enough sized dead tree break free from its former resting place and make its descent straight at me. I heard my master yell and then a second later felt myself pushed aside as branches scratched down my naked torso. Then I almost died in fright as I saw my master now pinned by that very tree. He had sacrificed himself for his slave. I could see his feet emerging from under the tangle of branches and felt relief to see them moving a bit. I immediately ran around to find my master very dazed and incoherent. Fortunately, though totally pinned, he seemed relatively unharmed. So now I had gained access to the air car, put the matrix key into its proper slot, enter the code, and gave the navigation computer its destination. "Take us to the nearest police station." My tears had dried and determination and resolve had taken their place. I rummaged around the car to find a chastity device and perhaps some pants. The only chastity device I could find, and which I was able to activate, was one for punishment. Not only did it not allow an erection, it administered a small electrical jolt when an erection was even begun. I shuddered as I fastened it onto my penis and testicles. Then I added the retaining support that kept it in place. Then I did find some pants. I felt so weird covered. I was not that often permitted clothing. As my master said on numerous occasions, my body, along with its boy-parts, belonged to him. And he enjoyed seeing them. Of course I enjoyed giving him this satisfaction even though it could be a bit embarrassing at times when strangers were invited to my master's estate. A signal was given and I saw the car approach its destination. It had only taken minutes but it seemed intolerably long. The computer advised me of our location and asked if I wished to land with computer assistance. I'd never piloted a car before so of course had the computer and landing radars along with the positioning devices take over. I was immediately confronted with two equally determined officers. "What is your emergency? You have landed in a security area." This came from the main communicator within the car. The molecular polarity of the windows only allowed me to see out. I opened the car door, and stepped out. The officers were a little startled to see that an obvious slave – my collar alone would have proclaimed this – was unaccompanied. In fact in my case, not having been established in an 'obedience' collar, was technically illegal. 'Obedience' collars forced the wearer to always obey any order given to it. My master never believed in their use. He expected me to obey because I WANTED to obey. And he also wanted me to be able to properly discern when a given command was detrimental to either myself or to my master. But for now I decided I'd let my master deal with the consequences of this technical violation. All I was concerned with was my master's rescue. I bowed showing respect and indicating my status. "This slave respectfully requests help to rescue its master." I quickly told him the circumstances. Fortunately, they also were not presently concerned with technical violations of the law. The officer's partner had already obtained the cooperation of the nearest rescue facility and a team was being put together. Thankfully everything happened fast. And I was heartened by the fact that unnecessary questions were held in abeyance. Fortunately this was a very disciplined and regulated society and the usual bureaucratic nonsense that was put up with where I was born was largely eliminated. "OK boy, we need the location of your owner for our nav-comp." I again bowed in a respectful manner and answered. "This slave apologizes, but I do not know how to do this, and the comp of our car is code-guarded. But if you will allow, please let me have my master's car retrace its flight and also allow this slave to accompany you since my master is a about a quarter mile [400 m] from the landing site and my master's wrist-comp has been damaged." The officer seemed conflicted. To allow this, he too would compromise the law regarding allowing a slave without an 'obedience' collar such free movement, especially out of his master's immediate control. I understood his hesitance and dilemma and came to his rescue. "Sir, there is a full restraining device in the seat next to the pilot. It was specifically set up for me and is easy to utilize. In fact a single control need only be activated." The officer made an immediate decision and I was placed into the restraining seat. I took off my pants, sat down, and then fitted my lower legs and feet into their appropriate positions. I then sat back making sure my arms and hands were properly positioned on the extended arm rests, and my head back onto the resting cradle. "Sir, you need now only key in the code in the touch pad. It is 213334." He did so and immediately straps were automatically wrapped around my torso and extremities, totally ensconcing me within their embrace. Then a partial mask framework even extended around my face. I had given him the code for the class 3 restraint. The class 4, which included a plug which would have entered my rectum and anchored itself there, along with a restricting mouth gag, I knew to be inappropriate at this time. With the chastity device in place, the plug would not have been possible, and I also needed to be able to speak. But for the first time since the accident I finally felt at ease. I luxuriated in the security of my confinement and the feel of my bondage. The officer, now seated in the pilot seat, had just engaged the car to retrace its last journey and we seemed to breath a sigh of relief together. He then looked over to me with a puzzled expression. I could read his mind. Many people were uneasy seeing a slave. Though uncommon, because of the enactment of the consensual slavery laws, we were an element of their society. I guess my look invited the question. "I don't understand boy. From your actions I can see that you feel deeply for your owner. And because of the law which requires a totally free statement from you each year maintaining your desire to be retained as a slave, I know that your situation is consensual, but shit! How can you allow yourself to be enslaved?" I smiled for the first time in his presence. "Sir, I am a slave, because that is what I am. And I love my master with my whole being. And he loves me. I truly believe that I am one of the more fortunate people on this planet. And I am chronologically 25 years old. My body is maintained as that of a 14 year old through gene-splice technology." I deliberately failed to mention that my original enslavement was NON-consensual. And that I had been both physically and mentally modified in the laboratories of BoyToys, Inc. Another good reason not to be 'obedience' collared. I can now lie when necessary. Or withhold the full truth as in this case. I even smiled because I was quite aware that being actually forced into my slavery was a continuing sexual turn-on for me. I even remember sending a message of thanks to Dr. Dogood for making the modifications on me that he did. This was soon after I was brought to my master's estate, and fully realized just how fortunate and happy I was. I felt a sudden strong jolt to my penis and could not stop my yelp. I lied again assuring the officer that it was just a muscle spasm. I guess technically it was even true. I again smiled at this obfuscation of the full truth. Fortunately the car now landed, I gave the officer the release code for my confinement, rummaged around for a leash that he could affix to my collar, and we were quickly off to find my master. I lost my right sandal right away but did not allow the sharp stones stop me from running to my master, heavily tugging on my leash. The rescue unit was also there hovering above. We reached him quickly and I was immensely relieved to find my master conscious and now apparently coherent. My master was quickly freed by a grav-lifter, and put on a grav-sled for transport. He summoned me close. I knelt at his side and bowed my head. My joyful tears were unrestrained. "Thank you boy. You did as expected as my dutiful slave. I even see that you put yourself into a chastity devise although I would only question your extreme choice." I basked in my master's high praise. "Master, it was the first one I could find that I could operate." Then my master saw my bleeding foot. "And boy, I see that you have damaged my property. You will be suitably punished when we are next alone." We both smiled. I liked THOSE kinds of punishments fully as much as my master enjoyed giving them. No matter how severe they got, they always ended in the most amazing periods of unrestrained sex. My master then addressed the officer whom I led here and who was nominally in charge. "Thank you sir for your such prompt response. My slave told me that you were uncommonly accommodating to his special circumstances." "Just doing my duty sir. Though I confess I had never spoken to a live slave-boy before. It seems that I need to do some re-thinking about things I'd thought I'd already decided. I voted against the continuation of the consensual slave laws when they were on the ballot last time. But your slave is making me re-evaluate my position." "Thank you for your open mind on this subject. My boy also thanks you. And feel free to visit my estate when you have a chance. The invitation is always open." I missed what they next spoke about since my master had ordered me to allow the medic to minister to my foot. I was then put into the same airlift car as my master. We just lay side by side basking in the closeness of our bodies. And souls. I also had to be careful. The chastity devise was still operational and those jolts were more than a reminder. My master snickered when he realized what was happening. On the way to the hospital, I started to think about how I came to be my master's slave. I had been born Timothy. It started almost 11 years ago. Well probably even further back if you include my awakening to the fact that I was gay and the problems which that entailed for me. And how I soon included among my sexual fantasies, elements of bondage, being controlled, and sometimes even slavery. Of course they were totally unreal and highly romanticized, but they nonetheless contributed to my eventual abduction by BoyToys, Inc.
At that time it has been almost two decades since that first BoyToy, using advanced gene-splicing techniques and precise brain implants, had extensive brain pathway changes and restructured memory deviations so that he could be changed into a totally cooperative BoyToy, always ready to satisfy his client's sexual proclivity and need. But now a new type of sophisticated implant together with a more advanced gene-splice technology and more subtle techniques augured a new era of sophisticated BoyToy mental manipulation. Dr. Dogood, now in overall charge of the implant and gene-splice operation, was showing his colleague the new experimental BoyToy that will receive this new technique. Because of his now advanced standing, he was also allowed to have accompany him his own personal BoyToy. This happened to be a boy, maintained forever as a small 15 year old. Dr. Dogood liked to molest and torture someone capable of full emotional and sexual response to this type of sexual activity. And this boy had been especially modified not only to withstand his torture but also to recover physically in an extremely short period of time. And with the usual mind alterations, he even came to like how he was treated. In severe bondage that barely permitted him to follow his master on his leash, he hobbled after Dr. Dogood on their current tour of the labs. Dr. Dogood had been mentioning that there was an ever more demanding market for a boy who would retain much more of his original personality together with a greater ability to interact with his new master in areas other than sex. And also to make these man-boy sex sessions have deeper meaning for both of them. They were both looking down at the small young teenage boy who would be the first test subject. That small boy was myself. I had awakened with a profound disorientation after so long a 'sleep' and had trouble understanding exactly where I was. Then it all came back with a rush. "Please, will you let me go home? Please?" Reality was far from fantasy and I wanted nothing of what was about to happen to me. This is not an uncommon plea at this stage even for a boy who had been deeply excited by the initial sexual encounter, as I realized that my entire world was about to be totally changed. As Dr. Dogood looked down at the amazingly cute 14 year old, he was stirred to quite an arousal. "But Timothy, we have been all through this. (His future master had been very specific. He stated that the boy was to retain his actual name). Your future master and we ourselves have gone through a tremendous task of preparing you for your new life. Remember you yourself stated that you were really excited when those two men first molested you. Well just think, you will be molested now every day for the remainder of your life. Your new master specifically stated that he wanted you so modified that you will always be ready for his sexual needs. That was why we helped you to become very sexually stimulated just by parts of you being touched. Don't you feel SO sexy right now?" The doctors scared me. Everything here scared me. I was so scared about what was happening to me; but I had to admit that I was indeed really aroused. But I was still able to realize that good sex was only a part of the future life I had envisioned and wanted for myself. I may have been quite physically immature, but I always prided myself in my ability to make rational decisions. I made that really bad blunder getting into that ground vehicle, because I had momentarily let myself be swayed by the excitement of the moment. But this feeling I was now having was somehow vastly different. It was an entirely new experience for me since I have been taken out of that weird tank. The way it felt now was like I had an always present need to have someone to touch and molest me. I can still remember that very first time. It was in that huge limo that had parked right next to my bicycle near the park entrance. Nobody else was around and when this black guy got out of the back and came over to me, I expected him to be asking directions. They were obviously lost, or so I thought. What he DID say sort of surprised me and got me really scared. "Hay kid. I remember you. You were that kid last week at the top of those steps who the other kids 'de-pantsed'." The memory at that time was suddenly so vivid as the episode came back in an embarrassed rush. Indeed they not only pulled down my pants while four other were holding me down, but even pulled off my briefs. I was so embarrassed when one of the kids laughed at my stiff penis. And it got so much worse when one of the kids started touching it. "Wow, Tim. You got a boner! But you're sure small yet." That was five months ago. At least that's what the doctor here says. And my genitals were quite small compared to my classmates whom I looked at as sneakily as possible in the shower room after gym class. For some reason I couldn't stop myself from getting excited seeing all those penises and testicles bobbing around. (Well I suspected the reason but was holding out. OK, had been holding out. It's definite now. I'm gay). But at that time I got so excited when they were doing this to me and was secretly glad that I had been the one chosen to be 'de-pantsed'. I guess by the time the boy touched my penis, which gave me a fantastic thrill, I forgot to keep struggling. So how did this guy know about that thing on the landing? He must have read my mind. "I was wondering kid how come you didn't struggle all that much. I was watching from across the street. How about getting in the back here and letting me and my friend do the same?" He never actually let me reply but instead just grabbed the back of my neck and almost pushed me into the spacious back area of the limo. I have to admit that I was again so excited by the prospect that I didn't resist enough. And so fast the guy sitting down held my arms so tight and the black guy closed the door and right away pulled off my shoes. By the time he started unfastening my belt I had completely stopped resisting. I WANTED them to expose my private parts. "Look boss, he's cooperating. Ain't you boy?" I was too scared to say anything but I did nod yes. Just then the guy holding my arms started pulling my shirt up and feeling all around my thin chest. It felt so exciting and more so because they were forcing themselves on me. By that time I almost completely stopped thinking and just enjoyed the whole thing. I let things just happen. And happen they surely did. My pants came off easily and my underpants quickly followed. My penis was now as stiff as an iron rod. The white guy behind started fondling my privates and I almost bucked my slim body out of his arms. Wow! Strangely there was almost no talking. But then the black guy did something that I never expected. He licked his finger and started pushing it into my butt hole! I almost hit the roof of the car. But it felt SO fantastic I started moaning. And wanting him to do more. "See kid. This is called being molested. Most kids are too scared or just don't like it, but you seem like you can't get enough." I sort of answered him in my mind. And my continued squiggling and my cooperation I suppose answered for me.
Chapter 2So that eventually led to my being here, in the lab of BoyToys, Inc. That eventually led to my being here, modified and forever a 14 year old. That eventually led me to being a slave-boy for life.When I was let out of the vehicle I was confused. I thought that something more was going to happen. They had seemed so excited when I responded the way I did. And I was sort of let down. Part of me was scared but part of me wanted something more to happen. Of course now all of me dreaded going home. Not because of what I just let happen, but because I so hated my present home life. That was another reason why I was almost wishing for something more to happen. Of course when I was thinking more clearly later that day I realized how close I'd been to being really in trouble. Who really knows what could have happened.
It was several weeks later when Timothy was back on his bike peddling his way home, just 14 years old and not even through puberty yet, he was bemoaning his fate. Ever since it was just he and his step-dad, his life had been unraveling. If only his Mom had been the one who lived through that horrible accident instead of his step-dad. His small stature, and relative lack of athleticism was his first strike. His uncommon need for structure and security, together with his not quite ability to fit in with his peers was strike two. And now he realized that he was not only gay but he seemed to be mostly aroused when he fantasized about others forcing him to do things. And even thoughts of being tied up and made to obey a master figured strongly in his most recent fantasies. His current problems soon overwhelmed his memory of what he had let happen to himself a few weeks ago. So when he arrived home this day he never connected things that had happened three weeks ago with what was happening now. On this particular day, Timothy had just returned home from the park where it was his usual routine these days to escape home life as much as possible. When Timothy stepped through his front entryway, he simply had no chance. He was barely 110 pounds [50 kg] of wiry limbs and was immediately grabbed by two rather large and determined men, inoculating him with some medication that rendered his muscles next to useless, and before he knew it, he was naked and being put into some kind of air bag on the living room floor. His yelling was quite short lived and any attempt to discover what was happening was impossible. Until the two men started sealing up this weird bag they put him into. He tried again to speak out but again it was useless. In his mind he was shouting: "Help me! Dad, help me!" But for once his step-dad was no where to be seen. One of the guys stood over him and smiling stated: "We have made sure no one would be here to help you. Just remember it was your own actions that alerted you to us. You really impressed those two agents of ours." Nooooooooooooo! I could only say it in my mind. I was in too much shock to think very well. I finally made the connection. I did this to myself. And I still couldn't believe that all this was even real. Even when these guys had put some kind of tube way up my penis and stuffed this plug into my butt and then touched some remote control and the thing expanded SO much. I would have screamed if I could have. My legs had been fitted into slots of this weird bag and the thing fastened up to my waist. It was SO frustrating not to be able to resist at all. I was finally starting to believe this was all real when one of these big guys mentioned that BoyToys, Inc. had quite a future planned for me. Even as sheltered a life as mine, I had heard the rumors, even if at the time I had not fully believed them. He then fitted my arms into their slots. Finally a gag like thing was sealed into my mouth and some tubes into my nasal passage and I started to panic as the entire thing was then totally sealed. I found, however, I could still breathe and the thing in my mouth gave me a small amount of liquid when I sucked on it. I could feel myself starting to doze and realized there was something in the liquid I sipped. I dozed off and on for the entire trip.
Timothy was transported to the new labs of BoyToys, Inc. in an outpost on Bundus III, a colonized planet whose government had no laws regulating its primary source of tax income, namely BoyToys, Inc. and the proliferation of its 'special' vacation spots. And more of interest to Timothy was the fact they also had consensual slavery laws. Timothy was unpacked and installed into a special unit where a team of experts could now check his specific emotional and behavioral responses to certain situations involving, sex, bondage, and even specific kinds of torture frequently associated with eliciting a sexual response. All this was done both without and then while under certain inhibition freeing drugs. In addition, these responses were noted when a large selections of sexual scenarios were presented to the boy especially situations involving permanent slavery. Timothy was not bothered by all this especially since the drug regimen to which he was exposed allowed him to experience the entire procedure in an atmosphere free of fear and worry. And his responses were all the good doctors could have hoped for. They gathered in a conference room soon after Timothy was released from his constrictive machine and grav-lifted back to his cell (or cage). On the way back he was wondering about, but not particularly upset with, the fact that he was entirely naked. Being somewhat precocious for his young age, he did come to the conclusion that somehow he was being heavily influenced by drugs. The officials of BoyToys, Inc. were now embarking on a new program. Because of the great demand, they have recently been profiling prospective 'masters' in an effort to find that special boy who would make provide each 'master' with his 'perfect' slave-boy. In spite of all the vast array of medical marvels at their disposal, it was still difficult to find that boy who would be capable of being modified and trained for the specific roles demanded of them for any one specific 'master.' But this company thrived in doing the difficult and this new program was looking to be a great success. Timothy was already the third such boy to have been 'discovered'. Four days later, with almost frightening expedition, Timothy's genetic and psychological make-up and responses had been evaluated, his profile had been fitted to two potential new owners, and one had favorably responded. In fact this prospective owner was sitting in a small comfortable room, with an official of BoyToys, Inc., the doctor overseeing Timothy's management, and of course Timothy himself who was very frightened even if he were now clothed and sitting in a comfortable chair. He was cautioned not to speak or do anything without first being 'invited' to do so. After all his recent experiences, he was harboring a slim hope, especially now that he was neither drugged nor restrained, that things might turn out OK for him. The official spoke first. "Timothy, I suspect you have no inkling of how special a boy you are?' This was not exactly what Timothy had been expecting to hear. He didn't know how to respond, and just shrugged his shoulders. The doctor he had seen, but this other strange man was somehow disturbing and he couldn't understand exactly why. And the man kept staring at him. This guy was a bit younger than his step-dad, quite black in his coloration, and somehow imposing even if he were not a large man. In fact he seemed in 'shape' but slim. And finally Timothy felt a worried tingle in the back of his mind. He was remembering some of the images he had been shown of naked men and this one reminded him especially of that one image that had seemed to excite him even more than the others and in some strange but unknown way. Just then the man spoke to him: "Boy, you know by now that you are in the labs of BoyToys, Inc. I had previously engaged them in finding me my perfect boy. And you are this boy." Timothy was barely able to stammer out a "Yes sir." He also entertained the thought that just maybe this guy would take him home and take care of him. He apparently went to a big deal of effort to find a boy like him to begin with. Timothy did not know just where he got the courage, but he then asked in a weak voice: "Are you going to take me home?" The man smiled big time. And Timothy was momentarily encouraged. The man responded: "If it turns out that you are my perfect match, as it perhaps seems so far, yes indeed. Would you like that boy?" The 'boy' was temporarily overjoyed in spite of the niggling of thought: "Why did they go through all that stuff with him then?" "Yes sir." And with his demanding need to be cared for Timothy added: "Sir, will you take care of me?" "We shall see my boy, we shall definitely see." Then turning to the BoyToys official he asked: "Will all my modifications be able to be made?" The official nodded to the doctor who answered: "Definitely. And with the emotional, psychological, and behavioral profiles on this boy, we fully believe that he will even be an eager participant as you wanted. We merely have to modify several pathways in his brain and re-direct some of his motivational triggers along more sexual parameters. But this is an easy brain modification procedure. With the greatly enhanced libido that you have asked for, within only weeks we firmly believe that this boy will gladly be a willing participant in becoming your special sex-slave. And with only minimal changes to his mental profile and personality."
As I was hearing these words I was almost ready to drop into a figurative puddle right there on the floor. "Modify? 3; Enhanced libido? 3; Brain?" I looked at this man in horror. At first. But then something REALLY strange happened. When he told me to come over to him I obeyed. Don't ask me why. But somehow a part of me WANTED him to do this stuff to me. "Good boy. Let me hold you." He simply lifted me onto his lap and I felt a wave of security wash over me. He then proceeded to undress me right in front of everybody there. I was afraid to resist, and for some reason it even gave me a thrill that it was happening to me. I even helped by lifting my butt when he got to my underwear. In no time I was naked and I couldn't help moaning when he started to fondle my now very erect 4½ inch [11½ cm] penis. What prompted me to say it I do not know but as he started to handle my gentiles and then stuck his hand under my butt and put his fingers into my crack, through gasps of pleasure I said: "Thank you master." If this was being a sex-slave, I LIKED it! And this guy for some reason really turned me on. Maybe it was his strong black hands. Maybe it was how he so tenderly touched me. Maybe it was because he commanded me and this alone felt so right. At the moment I didn't care. I was enjoying myself for the first time in weeks! Then he put one of his fingers in my mouth and I sucked on it. He then pulled it out, eased his finger into my butt, and I had all I could do not to stop him. NOBODY had EVER touched me there before. But soon he touched something that had me whimpering and trying to move down further onto his finger. "Like that boy, don't you?" I liked! I liked! Then he lifted me bodily, brought my crotch close to his face, and entirely engulfed my rod hard penis. In moments I was shuddering my best ever dry orgasm in my entire life! YES. PLEASE make me your sex-slave. Just keep doing stuff like this! I knew that I was being molested but didn't care. I will admit there was still a nagging thought that he would soon want me to somehow reciprocate but even this thrilled me, so long as I stopped myself thinking about some of the more unpleasant aspects of what that would entail. I was young but not entirely ignorant. After coming back to some semblance of normalcy, this man licked the last of my small liquid discharge, and placed me back on his lap with my back now melting into his chest. He held me tightly in his strong black arms and I could feel his now engorged cock riding under my butt. I LIKED the feel of it there. And DAMN did it feel BIG. "Like that boy?" "Yes sir. Really." "Would you feel like helping me have my own orgasm?" "Yes sir, but please don't hurt me." "Do not worry boy. I do believe that you will get plenty of practice in pleasing me and giving me sexual pleasure over your lifetime. Definitely, lot's of practice." I would have been more reassured if he definitely stated that he would not hurt me, but strangely, even the prospect of some pain was overridden by my overall excitement. I started for the first time wondering just exactly how this slave thing would work. My (new master?) looked at the other two guys there and said: "You have a sale gentlemen. Pending the usual safeguards of course. Make this boy into my dream slave." The other two men were beaming. I was worried again about these 'modifications'. "And boy, listen well. You WILL obey me at all times. There will be NO compromise. I will be back when your brain path-way and behavioral modifications are complete and I will expect you to then participate willingly in the remainder of your necessary modifications." I was really frightened again but managed a weak reply: "Yes sir." He smiled, squeezed me tight again, and gave me to the doctor. Before I realized it, I was walking down a long corridor totally naked, and then brought into another lab. He placed me onto a sort of table with large a raised lip and two other men, in long gowns and gloves, took over. They said I was being washed and prepped for several surgeries. I was afraid to ask what. But then the first doctor had to tell me. "We will be readying you for all your neural implants and then start the gene splice which will change some of your brain pathways, and start the first augment of your sex drive. When you wake up you will be one mighty horny boy. And after your neural implants have been activated and had a chance to work, you will also experience sexual pleasure at the prospect of becoming a permanent slave. Your profile shows that you are already somewhat amendable to being someone's sex-slave but we will be enhancing these by multiply them at least ten fold or more. A few short weeks from now you will want that man as your master as much as he wants you as his slave." I couldn't figure just why I was even aroused by this thought but it helped override my mounting fear. After a strangely tingling bath, and a VERY thorough clean-out, I was strapped down to a soft table and a mask was put over my face. I was told, when I awoke, that I had been operated on some weeks before, that everything had gone as planned and that all the implants had been successfully completed. The first thing I did as I regained enough strength was to reach down and touch my testicles. What I felt were two hard egg-shaped orbs that had replaced my own balls. I moaned in the loss of such an important part of my original self. But as previously explained, coupled with future gene-splices and other implants in my prostate and neck, these will be producing special hormones that will keep me from physically maturing. In fact I was told that I will remain a 14 year old forever – a very physically immature and small 14 year old at that. Some important doctor, along with a couple others, came into the room and after looking at a small consul, smiled as he now looked at me. "Timothy, everything has gone very well. All your necessary implants have been installed and, except for the ones in your brain, been activated. They are now functioning well and in a few days will be up to maximum output. In a couple days you will be experiencing a very high libido, at about 0.48 to 0.50 on the Menchner Scale. For you this will mean that you will forever feel excessively horny. We have, however, kept it low enough, so that concentration on other activities will also be possible. But you will be one very horny teen! Your future master wants you always ready and receptive for when he wants sex." I wasn't sure whether I should be scared to death, or excited. Excited barely won out. And whatever they did too me, I felt great. Absolutely full of energy. And optimism. But I was always someone who could enjoy the moment. When the doctor came over and attached a leash to a collar I now realized I was wearing, I got an instant boner. And I followed him out of the room entirely naked. I suddenly was reminded of those dreams where one found oneself naked in front of class or something and I was suddenly acutely embarrassed. I tried to cover my genitals with my hands. The doctor looked back at me when he felt resistance on the leash and laughed: "Better get used to it boy. You will be kept naked for the rest of your life." And the doctor laughed even louder when he saw comprehension in my expression. Ironically his advice could never be heeded. I would NEVER get used to being seen nude like this. My boner felt like it was about to explode. But then the doctor added small cuffs onto my wrists and connected them behind my back. "Can't have you touching yourself boy. Also orders of your future master. He will also be here in two days to proceed with your mental and neural modifications. And do not worry. The process is entirely painless. And because of your almost unique personality and enjoyment drives, you will loose relatively few of your previous memories. I expect less than 15%. It is important to your new master that your basic personality and complex of personality traits be as untouched as possible. He wants a boy, not just a sex-toy." I was still quite worried. Nothing this doctor said relieved this. And I did not WANT to loose MY memories. They are what helped make me, me. I was locked into a small but comfortable room. Only the windows on all four sides gave me no privacy at all. And as I was thinking further on this memory thing, I realized that there WAS at least a few memories that I could easily do without. But now I was worrying about the other things entailed in my modification. He said that I would want to have a master as much as my master wanted a slave. And there were also other things. They were going to make sure that I would respond sexually to not only being a slave, but to whatever my master wanted to do to me. I had to admit that I was already so aroused by this prospect but there were many thoughts that kept me so worried. I was suddenly so scared that I would be tortured and stuff. I realized the next morning that my food had been drugged. otherwise I would never had gotten to sleep. Finally the day had arrived. By this time I was thoroughly frightened. So much so that I tried to fight the two big guys who after cleaning me both inside and out, started strapping me onto a grav-cart. I finally had to give up. I didn't stand a chance. After all I barely weighed 110 pounds [50 kg] and combined they had 10 times more muscle than I did. I was eventually surprised how comfortable my position was in spite of feeling several straps immobilizing my legs which were slightly apart, and my arms which were immobilized several inches away from my body. My body also had straps at my groin immediately at the top of each leg, across my waist, my chest, and across each shoulder. I was one well strapped down boy. I was brought into another lab room with all kinds of monitors. Doctor Dogood looked down at his new subject boy with both excitement and even a little affection. He then address those present. "Doctors and gentlemen. We will proceed with an entirely new brain pathway modification process. This is revolutionary in that we will have the actual participation of the boy himself. Though some changes will be necessarily non-consensual, exactly HOW these changes are rerouted and reprogrammed will require the passive accommodation by the boy himself. In phase one he will not be able to direct the modified pathways, but his mind will merely show us the best way to make the changes. In phase two, the boy will then become an active participant. By then, the new changes coupled with his strong predisposition for not only becoming a slave on the sexual level, but even on an emotional and cognitive level, will ensure his cooperation. He will WANT to facilitate his own modification into becoming our newest BoyToy, and his master's slave." I was so aroused by my bondage situation and the IDEA of what was to happen that my fright and worry receded quite a bit into the background. And when a long tube was put into my penis, and a rather large plug into my rectum, I was about to have an orgasm. Then additional tubes were put into my nose and mouth. Sealed in place. Doctor Dogood addressed the assembly again. "Coupled with implants already in place in the boy's testicles. penis, rectum, and all other erogenous zones, along with the remote monitoring allowed by other implants, we are now ready to proceed. The boy will probably experience his first intense orgasm within ten minutes as his brain is 'rewarded' for accepting the modifications. Note that this entire procedure is to a large extent sexual, though emotional and cognitive components are also involved." Then I looked up and was startled to see my future master. I guess I shouldn't have been, but I was now so emotionally charged that it had slipped my mind that he would be here. He tenderly touched my head and I felt my self responding with some affection. In was partly in response to the affection that I also read in his eyes and felt with his touch. I was suddenly so relieved that he would be there for the coming ordeal. I just hoped that it would be as painless as claimed. The doctor said that even though the beginning could cause some emotional distress, that this would eventually give way to my WANTING the process to continue. I found this difficult to believe but I obviously had NO choice. Strangely I was somewhat aroused by the idea of this happening. And I was even a little bit LIKING the idea of becoming a slave. My master then said: "Boy, please believe that I will love and care for you for the remainder of our lives." I started crying. I wanted this so badly. I realized that my whole being – to have someone to love me. I was now determined to make this whole thing work out. I couldn't speak, or even move much of anything but my master put his hand into mine and I squeezed hard. He smiled and squeezed back. Dr. Dogood then said: "We can begin. When I activate this control, phase one will begin. It will probably take about three to four hours." I watched with both anticipation and fear as he touched the control. I felt a strange sensation in my mind, and then suddenly I was remembering.
Chapter 3The first ten hours were intense and difficult and at times even very distressful. But what I found amazing was the fantastic detail of the memories as they came back to me. Like they just happened. And many of them were horrible. It's amazing how much your mind seems to protect you by 'forgetting' things – or portions of things, and especially the emotions that accompanied things. It felt like this whole first phase as they called it lasted hours and hours, but Dr. Dogood later told me later that it was only a bit over three hours.The whole experience was so unique that it is hard to explain what happened but I will try. Of course I cannot reiterate all the stuff that went through my mind, but I will try to hit the main things. First of all I started remembering all the times that I was so sexually aroused. And WOW, this felt GREAT! Think of the BEST, most detailed wet dream you've ever had and then make it feel REAL. Of course not everything was without some consternation. (The exact word needed here is impossible to relate). What was happening was that all those thoughts that got me aroused that did NOT have to do with being used, or being a submissive, or being in bondage, or a slave, or even those rare few that had me as the dominate partner, were somehow forgotten and I felt some distress when I could no longer recall a certain thought. Ever think of something you wanted to say and then suddenly be sidetracked and later can't quite remember it? Well, it was something like that. But the thing went so fast that the distress was very fleeting, and then the next memory was brought to mind. Now all those that involved my being submissive, or being a slave, or being used sexually, or being forced to do stuff, and all those sexual arousal thoughts that were of this type were intensified. Dr. Dogood said later that these thoughts were being multiplied throughout my brain. Especially those that enhanced my wanting to become a slave. The doctor said that I had a number of orgasms during this period. And I now LIKED what was happening! During the previous part I was in a lot of distress from loosing memories and the doctor said that I was moaning and twitching a lot. Finally something totally indescribable happened. It was somehow more than a matter of just memory. It felt like my entire sexual being was suddenly wrapped up with being someone's slave. And I was so delighted! Dr. Dogood said that this when my brain was making new pathways linking my desires, especially my sexual desires with being made a slave. And as long as these thoughts remained physical and arousing I was OK. But then things suddenly changed. And I fought this! I started having all these thoughts and emotions which made me horrified about becoming a slave. Especially when my mind was directed to the emotional and cognitive consequences of this happening. But as those memories that did not allow me to want or enjoy being enslaved occurred they too were suddenly gone. Eventually I started having all these thoughts of being secure, so safe, so at ease, so comfortable, so loved, so needed, so taken care of, and so a lot of other things that I started to associate with my slavery. And it was strange but this period was NOT sexual at all, but it was VERY emotional. And all those reasons NOT to enjoy my slavery that came to mind, like religious ideas which I had been taught, or all those things we were taught from all kinds of places that made sexual activity that involved another man and all that were also 'lost.' And suddenly I felt this amazing sort of 'weight' lift from me. I felt SO FREE! I was not exactly sure now why but suddenly I realized that all my thoughts of gay sex and even being forced into sex by my master as being wrong was TOTALLY unfounded! I couldn't understand where all my previous anxiety about all this had come from but it was now ALL gone! I felt so free. I reveled in this feeling. But it didn't last long. I started thinking about all those things that now as a slave I'd never get to do. All those things that only a FREE person could do. ESPECIALLY making my OWN decisions. Dr. Dogood said that this period was accompanied with me trying to yell and REALLY fighting my bonds. I lost quite a number of memories during this period I was told, but my response to Dr. Dogood when he explained this to me later was: "Well I guess it's then fortunate that I don't remember." I even laughed. But I was now in REAL distress, as these ideas came to mind. Fortunately I started to realize that none of this mattered too much. What really mattered was that I could be happy in my future life. So many things I thought I wanted led to my being so distraught and sad. And not happy at all. And I realized that as a slave I'd never have to worry about so many things. I'd be secure. Never in physical need. Never worrying about how I could afford something, or even get something. I could have someone else to rely on. And this someone was somebody I could love. I could want to do things for. I recalled all those times when I was so happy not by having things, or even getting my way, but by doing something for somebody else. When I deliberately did something because THAT person was made happy by it. These thoughts cascaded through my mind and I found my self so happy! I was starting to LIKE the idea of being someone's slave, but now for many different reasons. And a lot of them entailed making THAT person happy! There was a lot more that went through my mind during this phase but I no longer remember. I felt that I could now ENJOY being someone's slave, and the only disquiet at all was the worry that I'd have the RIGHT master for me. When I was eventually awakened, I found myself with a roaring headache and drenched in sweat. I also think I pulled some muscles. Then I saw my master, I mean my future master, undo all the plugs, and tubes and my mouth gag, and then all my bonds. I suddenly felt so free. And not just physically. "Master, thanks." I was not sure he understood my croaking voice. But it didn't matter. I just wanted him to take care of me, and he did. I felt so secure and happy there knowing that he was concerned and would do whatever necessary to care for me. I was so happy I smiled in spite of the headache. "Thank you master." Then he touched my arm with a pneumatic syringe and I felt instant relief from the headache. "Don't worry boy. You are mine now. I love you and I will forever take care of you." "Thank you master." I then became agitated as I realized that I did not know what exactly I needed to do to please my master. What would be his rules? His demands? His needs? "Master, what do you want me to do? What should I do?" I was almost in panic. "Listen carefully boy. You are now my slave. And must obey me. Do you agree?" The stress and panic started to recede. "Yes master, I agree. I am your slave." Just thinking this gave me so much joy and feelings of security. Of not needing to worry. "Good. I now command you not to fret. Not to worry about what I want right now. You will learn, and I will make sure you do learn. Let ME worry about that part. You just need to do one thing. Submit and obey." I was determined to do so. My anxiety receded to nothing. It was replaced by joy and contentment. And I hugged my master not worrying if I'd be punished for doing something not specifically directed. Even the idea of being punished for mistakes had its appeal. "Of course, boy, we have a lot more to do today. But rest first." I fell asleep soon after my master literally picked me up and brought me into the shower with him. I had not realized he was naked 'til then. I guess I was thinking about other things. But I realized that I was quite happy for the first time in years. Sure I was still concerned about a lot of what would NOW happen. But I decided to just let my master do most of the worrying. After all that was what was great about being a slave.
A short time later, Dr. Dogood was in conference with Timothy's prospective master. They were both in good upbeat moods. "Dr. Dogood, thank you. Can you tell me how things are going from your perspective?" "Things are even better than anticipated. As you know these new implants can direct the boy's memories and thoughts much more finely. And thus we can be a lot more discriminating with what is removed from his memory. We can now confidently state that your boy lost only 13.5% of his overall memory. This is significant. Also he reacted well, in fact VERY well, to the new pathway changes. We even discovered that his own mind directed some of these changes. I know this might seem impossible but our implants were able to discover brain pathways that approximated some of the necessary changes and through a series of many small changes, we could dispense with some of the more drastic ones. I am now confident that his personality is at least 87% intact. This is almost revolutionary in this type of modification." Many details were discussed and then Dr. Dogood started explaining about phase two. Actually this part will be accomplished both in the lab, and then finished after the boy is taken to his new home. "What we need to do is now make his wants and desires to be specifically tailored to you as his master. He should now be ready to be a willing participant in most of this. In this phase, your slave-boy will learn specifically what is expected of him as your slave. You will introduce him to all your rules, to the type of sex he will participate in and I see according to your file, to the types of torture he will be subjected to." "I do have one worry doctor. You noted that although extremely submissive, Timothy had almost no inclination toward masochism. And although I expect never to subject him to torture above level four, how should this be handled?" "Not to worry. There is one aspect of the boy's personality that will easily permit this. And eventually this boy will come to completely accept his torture at YOUR hands. And I repeat ONLY at YOUR hands. This is critical. And this is why only yourself and a couple other prospective masters were satisfactory for this boy. It will be because he realized that you can come to love him that he will WILLINGLY allow you to do with him as you want. He will want so much to please you, that he will allow you to torture him in spite of not responding to the pain as a typical masochist. In fact, in the long run, this type of response is even more binding. I even envy your future relationship with this boy. Imagine; a boy still essentially himself, and freely wanting to be your personal slave. Even to the extent that, so long as you do your part, it will make him an intensely loyal slave his entire life." "I am so excited myself, and I have to admit I am really falling for this boy." "But here is one overriding warning. You must never allow this boy NOT to be your slave!" Timothy's prospective master was for once perplexed at the doctor's warning. "I'm not sure what you mean. Of course he will be my slave-boy. For life." "Well, what I am trying to say is that you can't let your affection get in the way of reason. In fact, if you want what is best for this boy, you will always treat him AS A SLAVE. Nothing more! Sure he can be a spoiled slave and may never really have to physically work like one, but he must ALWAYS be treated as a slave. Always forced to obey. Always directed. Always under control, and this will even entail physical control. Perhaps even long periods of enforced and severely restrictive bondage. The particulars must be worked out as you both grow together. But the worst thing you can ever do for this boy is to start treating him as anything other than a slave. Even physical punishment must be maintained as a regular regimen in his life." "I think I am starting to understand. You needn't fear. This boy WILL be a true slave. You can be assured of this. I WANT a slave that I can treat as a boy. Not a boy I can treat as a slave." Timothy awoke to his master's touch. He smiled and felt a wave of longing. But he waited for his master to begin any conversation. "Boy, before we start on the next phase of your neural modification we must address another issue. You recall that you hugged me before I gave you permission to move. Is this correct?" The boy started shaking as he recalled this. "Yes master." Tears formed in the corners of his eyes. "Good. Then you know why I am being forced to punish you. Do you understand?" "Master, I think so." "You have any questions, boy?" "Master, I did not know all your rules yet. Is this fair?" "Two things boy. You will now remember this rule I am sure. I can not be worried about informing you about all nuances of my rules. You will have to learn by experience. Remember I AM your master. Do you dispute my authority to make this decision?" Timothy thought for a short time and even smiled: "No master. Please punish me." After a short pause he added: "Of course as you will it." The boy was required to grab his ankles exposing his tender and cute butt. His master did not want to mare such perfection. He spent an exorbitant amount of money on very special tools of torture. Coupled with the physiological changes the next gene-splice will have accomplished, his boy will be easily be able to physically withstand and recover undamaged from all envisioned torture. But now, even with this special neural cane, he had to still be careful. The pain experienced will be the same, but if he hits his boy with the right force, he will not even leave a physical mark. After the second strike his boy started crying. After the fourth he was crying and yelling almost uncontrollably. After the ninth he was pleading for his master to stop. After the fifteenth he stopped pleading and was just enduring. After the twenty-second, the boy experienced a really weird joy. He seemed to have an epiphany of understanding. It finally came to him that being slave lie in total acceptance. He should not think of merely the pain, but the REASON for it. As a tool for his guidance. And even more, to forge the proper slave-master bond. He suddenly felt that he was so TRULY HIS MASTER'S SLAVE! Of course he still did not want the pain but he was resigned to it. But what really mattered was his resignation to his master's will. There was no twenty-third strike. His master saw the subtle change in his slave-boy's demeanor. And he smiled. He inspected his boy's butt and saw only two faint lines. He was satisfied for now but was also determined that with more practice, no marks need be left. "Boy, you may stand and lets clean up all that sweat. And let me help wipe your tears." Timothy reveled in the process of becoming his master's slave. He though he was finally starting to REALLY understand what slavery was all about. And he decided he LIKED it! Even if some of it involved painful punishments. He also could feel his master's love in the care and tenderness with which he washed away his sweat and his tears. His master was quite pleased with his boy's amazing progress. And now to continue with phase two which the boy had not even realized had started. As phase two continued, Timothy's new master made sure he was now comfortably seated on the cushioned chair. It was large enough so that he was cuddled tightly with his new master who was seated next to him. They were holding each other tightly in their arms. Timothy had quickly recovered from the quite severe caning he had just experienced. Even if he could feel some of the lingering pain. But the pain faded fast since the weapon was designed that way. The boy did not realize that his pain would have been five times as severe right now if his master had used a primitive cane. But he was now mostly thinking about that almost revelation type happening near the end of his punishment.
Chapter 4I had trouble putting my thoughts in order. So mush was suddenly so outside my experience and so sudden, that I had trouble completely understanding exactly what was happening to me. But near the end of that punishment it was as if I only then really understood what being a TRUE slave-boy was all about. And it involved in totally abandoning myself to my master. That I didn't LIKE the pain of the punishment was irrelevant. But it was necessary for two reasons. First it is the lot of a slave to be punished for not doing as his master wants. But more importantly, I realized that it didn't even matter if it was a punishment. That my master WANTED to do this to me and had HIS reasons was enough! And I then not only accepted the punishment, I realized I LIKED being punished by my master. Sure I hated the pain, but that didn't matter. And I now felt that much closer to my new master.And as we sat on that big couch, my master taking me in his strong black arms, I felt such a rush of comfort and joy I almost cried. My master then started telling me in quite some detail exactly what he expected of me. And I decided I wanted to please him. Although some of his rules felt awfully restrictive. But because I WANTED so much to be his obedient slave-boy, I decided I was just going to MAKE myself LIKE all his rules. And I was amazed that in a short time I DID like the idea of being bound by them. ALL of them, even the ones I for the life of me could no longer understand why I thought them so difficult to accept. The first few were easy. Like obeying all his orders, and always telling him the truth, and never questioning his orders unless invited to do so. That was all just common sense. He was the master after all. And I felt SO GOOD being his slave. Just realizing that I now totally BELONGED to my master made me so happy. As I said at first I thought some of them so restrictive and difficult to at first accept. But number five which was to do NOTHING unless I understood that it was something my master would approve. Wow. And number six was to make NO decisions before I first asked myself what my master wanted or expected of me. That was complicated. But in no time, after really understanding exactly WHY my master made this rule, I could no longer understand why I found it difficult to accept. Gees! It was all so simple and also made me happy to obey. "Boy, we are about done here. Do you need to go over all these rules again?" "No master. And thank-you. I will submit." I was smiling so hard my mouth hurt. My master was pleased I could tell and that even made me happier if that were possible. "Good boy. We have made an excellent start. When we get home after your completed modifications, you will be given more specific examples to confirm all these rules in your mind. But do not fret. We will both enjoy this journey." My master stood and as instructed I made no move until I was directed by my master. We left the room and greeted Dr. Dogood in the next room. It was filled with all kinds of equipment and a large tank. I was thrilled that the rest of my modifications were about to be accomplished. "Timothy," my master addressed me – I understood that since he used my name that I was now in what he called 'boy-mode,' as opposed to 'slave-mode,' where my actions were so much more restricted. "Now I want you to do what the good doctor says and cooperate as much as you are able. Understand?" "Yes master." He kissed me passionately and I returned it as best I could. My penis was sticking out rock hard, but I sure knew better than to touch it. It was solely my master's property. I moaned inwardly when my master left. But I knew the faster I was modified, the faster I would be his forever slave-boy. And exactly the way he wanted me. I was told that this next gene-splice was to reinforce and permanently confirm all of the neural and brain modifications that had already taken place. It was also to modify and enhance the tie in of my sexual arousal with all of the above changes. I was hooked up to all kinds of tubes and wires and put into this tank. At first I thought I was going to drown and reflexively I fought hard but then suddenly found myself actually BREATHING this thin liquid without too much problem. I had been told that my lungs would be able to take the oxygen right out of this liquid and now had to believe them. There were a tiny ear phone set put into my ears and I could hear all the doctor's instructions. There were tubes coming out of my mouth and throat that I wasn't sure where they went. There was also tubes again hooked up to my penis. This time I could even feel it in my bladder. I dozed off and on, mostly off, over the next few weeks and couldn't tell if anything had actually happened. Finally I was pulled out of the tank, dried off in this special air blower thing, and I was so happy to get all those tubes and wires off and out of me. Then to my great surprise my new master showed up. I was thrilled to see him, and was feeling suddenly so excited at the prospect of becoming his permanent-never-to-be-separated-from-him slave. In fact I suddenly realized that I was getting a feeling from my groin area that I had not entirely experienced before. Sure, before I had this overall excited feeling and even those orgasms, but this was SO different and ten times as powerful. I then simply HAD to grab my now ram-rod stiff penis and start rubbing it. "Stop boy! That penis belongs to me and only I will touch it!" I couldn't help myself. I wanted to stop but couldn't. My master reached me and pulled my hands away forcibly. I moaned in frustration. He was obviously prepared for how I was reacting. He pulled my arms up, put me over his shoulder, and secured this thick and wide leather-like belt around my slim waist. It locked in the back with a smart click. Then my right wrist was forced into a small cuff that was part of the back of the belt. Then my left wrist was done likewise so that I could touch fingers but not move my hands and arms were I so desperately needed them. I tried rubbing my penis on my thighs, but he easily stopped this by putting this bar between my ankles by way of a couple leather ankle cuffs. As I was now walked forward, I was almost falling down all the time since my legs were forced out so far. "You will of course be punished for your behavior boy. But first I need to speak with you." I looked at my master – yes, I definitely not only LIKED the idea of being his slave, I actually reveled in the prospect of being punished. It felt so right! I genuinely replied: "Thank you master." I couldn't help smiling I was so utterly happy. I was also realizing that they must have REALLY done something with how I thought. The former vague idea of being excited by the prospect of being a slave had now become an all out joy. I simply could NEVER remember being so happy. In spite of my arms being forced behind my back, and my so desperate need for sex, I was still able to concentrate enough to simply think about a future caring for the needs of my new master. My emotions were so rampant I started crying. My master scooped my naked body into his arms and held me tight. "There's no need to cry boy. (He addressed me as 'boy.' I recognized that I was now expected to be in formal 'slave-mode.') I will take care of you, and I promise that your punishment won't be that bad." "Permission to speak master." "Please boy." "Master. Sorry master. It's not about any punishment. I am just so happy that you are here and that I'm your slave. In fact I sort of LIKE the idea of being punished. Somehow it makes me feel more like being a slave." My master looked over my head and saw the main doctor and exclaimed: "I see it has been a great success." "Yes. In fact the boy's predisposition for slavery was even greater than we had thought. A perfect subject for the procedure. And a delightful outcome." "So let's sit down and discuss the boy's schedule for his remaining modifications." I shivered in vicarious delight at the suggestion of my master doing even more things to me. And I also kept having this overwhelming desire for sex. Good thing I that I couldn't use my hands. But what was simply not fair, was that the very idea of being kept from sexual gratification, I got even hornier. I could also feel my master's really big tool push up into the crack of my butt. That didn't help either. I had to really force myself to concentrate on what my master was saying as I sat there on his lap. "So the next gene splice will be to modify his total hormone structure so that he will never physically or emotionally mature." "Yes, Mr. Black. And we will also remodel and enhance his rectal sphincters so that he will not only be able to accommodate your size, but he will be able to maintain this tightness indefinitely." I should have been listening a bit closer but I claim being so sexually aroused that I missed the nuance when my master asked: "And he will always feel the initial penetration as if it were the first time?" "Absolutely, although as soon as his enhanced and implanted prostate starts to be stimulated, he will immediately participate in the sexual pleasure and his climax will be almost as great as your own enhanced system. In fact, he will be able to orgasm often and consecutively. He will be one truly fucked boy!" I was so happy that my master was making sure I'd also have fun with our sex. The doctor continued: "His mouth and throat will also be changed so that he will not only be able to deep throat you, but will have his breathing temporarily rerouted so that he can keep your member in his mouth and throat indefinitely." I listened with a smile. I was really looking forward to servicing my new master. My master asked: "And his teeth." "They will loosen enough to be easily removed. The pegs will also be inserted into his upper and lower jaw for any future implant either permanent or temporary. You will be in full control of his mouth. His digestive, urinary, and immune systems will also be changed as specified." I was a little concerned about my teeth but decided it wasn't important enough to worry about. But this thing about digestive system; I was wondering what that was all about. Oh well. If my master wishes it, it must be good. "Great. I will be looking forward to feeding my slave. How about his skin, musculature and ligaments? Will his body do well being hung, or put into severe bondage?" "All the usual precautions will be taken care of. He will only take about 40 hours to recover from class one through class four torture." Now I was a bit scared. I was going to be tortured? My master must have felt my reaction. He remarked to me: "Look boy, you want to be my good slave boy?" "Yes master." I was definite about that. "Well then you will have to learn to let me torture you from time to time. I promise you that you will have great orgasms. I promise you boy." I believed him, but I was still worried. But I was determined to be a good slave. "I'll try to be a good slave, master." Master set me onto the floor and looked into my eyes. "I need a slave who IS a good slave. Not one who just tries." I decided to accept this as a good slave. "Yes master." "Good. But don't be concerned boy. I will take good care of you. I know how difficult some of this may be for you. But I also promise that I will care for you for your entire life. We will become as one, boy. You will be more than just my slave boy. Do you understand? I want you as part of my life."